About the show

Maintaining the values of a true country style, family friendly A&P Show since 1893.

Our Golden Bay A&P Show is a true country style, family friendly show with lots to see and do. Get up close to the prize winning goats, sheep and cattle. 

Cheer on the horse riders, choppers and shearers. Browse the stunning displays of baking, flowers, handcrafts, photography, art & craft in the display booth. 

Visit the huge array of trade stands to get close and personal with large machinery, farm implements, agricultural equipment, top quality local merchandise and seek helpful tips and advice on everything ‘country’. 

Check out the vintage machinery display or maybe enter the digger operator competition. Watch the ‘Vaulties’ perform amazing gymnastics on horseback. Marvel at the variety of local talent providing FREE entertainment for the entire family all day around the grounds. 

Of course you can still get aboard the well known Sturgeons thrill rides and sideshows. Long time crowd favourites and much acclaimed Takaka Citizens Band and the Motueka Pipe Band will also entertain but don’t miss ‘The Grand Parade’ in the early afternoon. And food – there is a myriad of outlets to satisfy the taste buds of all. The Golden Bay A&P show has something for everyone!

Check out our Facebook page for updates


Golden Bay Recreation Park, 2032 Takaka Valley Highway.
FREE parking in paddock opposite the park entry gate.

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